Community Resources

Family Resource Center:

Open House First Wednesday of the Month or By Appointment - Located at 300 West Chenango at Colorado's Finest High School of Choice

The Englewood Schools Family Resource Center holds an open house on the first Wednesday of every month from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. so that families who need a little extra help can come pick up free resources. Resources include:

  • School supplies
  • Hygiene items
  • Diapers
  • Clothing items
  • Winter gear
  • Food items

Families who cannot attend an open house but are in need of resources can reach out to Clarice Fortunato at to make other arrangements.



Great Education Colorado is a nonpartisan, statewide, grassroots organization of public school supporters that advocates for adequate funding for K-12 education in Colorado. Through its web site, newsletters and network, Great Education Colorado informs public school supporters about critical school funding issues and empowers them to be vocal and effective advocates for Colorado schools.

Community Resources

Elementary and Middle School Resources

Get informed, chat with experts in the field and learn about the world. This site offers a broad range of information about global current events.

JASON Learning is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization managed by Sea Research Foundation, Inc., in partnership with the National Geographic Society. Founded in 1989 by Dr. Robert D. Ballard, the mission of JASON is to inspire and educate kids everywhere through real science and exploration. JASON provides multimedia curricular experiences in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) for K-12 students, and corresponding professional development for educators in a wide variety of formal and informal education environments.

Library Access Online

Englewood Public Library

Denver Public Library

Auraria Library

CSU Library

Library of Congress

University of Denver Library